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Brutal Fucking NO SAFETY
No safety, every girl entering is a potential victim, the safety other rooms have means nothing here, you dont like it you leave, male slaves or subs
There will be no taking of others from this room to another ! There will be no greyboxing. This is a room to have fun and not a room to pick up others to take somewhere else. Anyone repeat anyone taking people from this room will be banned from this room. Topic(s): Fantasy rough sex |
Topics in Brutal Fucking NO SAFETY
To link to this group (Brutal Fucking NO SAFETY) use [group 29043] in your messages.
1,030 Group Members
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PaulBunyan1, slave4989, bellacd13, allwoman4you2, wonda1, Smlouze7, plejaden5, bimom4taboo, greedy3holer, Needtraining22, Kinginstigator, MasterLew2, Khufo, Annhot, MasterPalmist, sweetbriannacd, Vikingargo, sublime2superior, DirtyGardenMan, xxchinaxx, Bloodrituals, Jarrett1980, onesexyhardman, makemebeg16, givingittoher, leslie2022, Lilstuff88, ASIANTREASURE